Megan Hamilton

I am Megan Hamilton, the Family School Liaison Counsellor at RI Baker School. I am new to RI Baker this year and have just moved back to southern Alberta after being away for 8 years! A lot has changed since I’ve been gone, and I am looking forward to joining this school and joining the community. I can't wait to see what the 2024/2025 school year has in store for us!
I will be in the office at RI Baker onTuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. If you would like to discuss the services available or have questions about the FSLC program you can call me at the school or you can email me at megan.hamilton@pallisersd.ab.
I look forward to working with and supporting the students of RI Baker!
To make an electronic referral please click this link and fill out the referral form. It will be submitted to me and is confidential. I will contact you as soon as possible after receiving your submitted referral.
Warm regards,