Staff Directory


Photo of Jason Prebushewski

Jason Prebushewski


Photo of Brett Clifton

Brett Clifton

Vice Principal

Teachers 24/25

Photo of Logan Chapman

Logan Chapman

Photo of Tanya Conrad

Tanya Conrad

placeholder image for Tia Giesbrecht

Tia Giesbrecht

Photo of Brent Ginther

Brent Ginther

Photo of Carrie Goertzen

Carrie Goertzen

Photo of Chais Juhar

Chais Juhar

Photo of Julie Macklin

Julie Macklin

Photo of McKenna Nast

McKenna Nast

placeholder image for Trent Olesen

Trent Olesen

Photo of Maegan Peacock

Maegan Peacock

Photo of Lisa Rosentreter

Lisa Rosentreter

Educational Assistants

Photo of Alicia Bourque

Alicia Bourque

Photo of Ron Gee

Ron Gee

Photo of Linsay Houweling

Linsay Houweling

Photo of Lacee Krahn

Lacee Krahn

Photo of Chad Patey

Chad Patey

Photo of Laurinda Perry

Laurinda Perry

Photo of Sharon Roberts

Sharon Roberts

Office Staff

Photo of Glenda Kurtz

Glenda Kurtz

Learning Commons

Photo of Jodi Pilling

Jodi Pilling

Care Takers

Photo of Scott Ross

Scott Ross

Photo of Rita Wahl

Rita Wahl