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Baker Battles Summer Slide

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Baker Battles Summer Slide

Research will suggest that in the summer up to two months of reading achievement can be lost.

This achievement gap can be crucial to a student’s success in the next school year.  RI Baker recognizes this trend and would like to take every step we can to ensure students will keep their skills and strategies sharp.


This summer RI Baker Middle School will be offering any student who would like to take part in our “One Book, One Summer Program” a chance to keep those skills and strategies in check.


We have selected two novels at two reading levels.  Students were offered the opportunity to borrow a novel that best suits them.  They can read it at their leisure over the summer months and then discuss it with other students and staff members on our online blog.

Students will then bring their novel back in September.  If the book is not returned, the students will be responsible for the replacement cost.  We will celebrate the books and the children who read them at our first assembly.


Parents can contribute by  asking their child about the events in the book, suggesting times where reading would be ideal, and making sure the book is in good shape and returned in September.


Please read the attached literature regarding summer slide.


Thank you for helping RI Baker battle summer slide and promote lifelong literacy.



Mr.  Prebushewski

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